Saturday, November 7, 2015

A few things I learned this week

The video Good Things to Come was a powerful inspirational video. After watching it I didn't realize that Elder Holland was the young father in the video until I took the quiz and found out the hard way. The one thing I learned from that video it to keep pressing on. I felt like I related very closely to the young father, not so much in the specific instances of a car breaking down on a long road trip, but in the fact that I know that there is a long road ahead of myself and my family and I've often struggled with the idea of getting there, or even to keep on going. I've taken a lesson out from the lesson from Taylor Richards, "you can do anything you can set your mind to." Just today I studied and passed my exam for a Ham radio technicians license. Up until the point I got my results back I questioned and doubted that I had completed it. I went so far to say the exact number of question I know I had missed, marking each of them. According to my guess I would be one short of passing the exam, where I had thought I got a 25 and I needed a 26. To my surprise I got 33 out of the 35 correct, and passed, going on to answer correctly an additional 20 correct answers on the general exam which was the next higher (although I didn't pass it, I would have needed 26.) In both cases though it shows that my own self perception greatly underestimated my actual knowledge. Today I've learned that I can actually do anything I set my mind to because I took the ham radio course and passed. 

What I have yet to learn.

This is the hard part, recognizing what I have yet to learn, is ultimately my potential. This may be something that I doubt every day but taking a note from 'Mastery' by George Leonard he says "Whatever your age, you upbringing, or you education, what you are made of is mostly unused potential." My hope is one day I will have a better knowledge of my potential, but today I am satisfied that I can become it or anything I set my mind to.

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