Saturday, November 14, 2015

What I learned:

This was a long week. Physically there were not anymore hours then any other week, but relatively it felt like this week I accomplished twice as much. On top of a busy schedule I spent most of the sick with some kind of cold. That's my rant for the week. Now what learned is that you can't trust a 12 year old to accomplish anything on their own. This seems like this should be a law of nature, written in stone. This is not a bad thing, it's just what it is. Today, my coworker Levi and I spent 8 hours teach scouts about Robotics. We do this every year at the Boy Scout STEM University. This year we were impressed to say that we had the most scouts complete the merit badge. I think this is because we paid our dues. We applied what Guy Kawasaki said about building success through trust. This may seem contradictory to the first natural law but it's not. This year we set out to get as many scouts to complete the merit badge, to do this we designed a low cost kit. Typically we put out detailed instructions, but we didn't with this kit. We gave them a box a parts and said use your imagination. Dozen's of scouts came back to class with creative, and impressive designs. So to rephrase my "law" I would say that it is more accurate to say that if you give a 12 year old the right tools, inspiration, and resources, and a few reminders they can accomplish anything. 

What I have yet to learn:

What I have yet to learn is taking it a step farther. How can we further challenge and inspire these scouts to not only excel in the robotics merit badge but then to go on even further inspire them for the future?

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